Staff picks: Favorite Bearden/The Bark/BBN memories
BBN and The Bark seniors celebrate four years of Bearden High School with their personalized “Barkie” awards.
Who knew that just three years of co-writing with some of the best people in the world could change your life? I have made so many awesome memories from The Bark and also with BBN that it really is impossible to just pick one. Although, this whole year has been my absolute favorite because this year we became so much more than just a high school newspaper. We became a high school newspaper that turned out to be big in California. Seriously, though, we became brothers and sisters that actually talked to each other and who lovingly picked on each other (mostly just on Graham) and who weren’t afraid just to be real around each other. So thank you Mr. Vacek for seeing some type of qualities in me and deciding to put me on staff because these past three years have been some of the best yet! [Litza Craig]
Uh… I have amnesia. [Ed Dudrick]
Having spent 3 years, around 675 hours (yes, I just calculated that), with The Bark staff, there are too many memories to choose from. One of the standouts was from my junior year when the other Jack Evans [former editor-in-chief Jack C. Evans] brought his pug, Gloria, to class and she was just too cute. Some of my favorite memories, however, come from this year when the entire staff became like a wonderfully dysfunctional family. From all the games we would play to pass the time to the food Katie, Zoey, and Taylor would bring in, there was rarely a dull moment inside Room 333. [Hannah McElroy]
The triple over-time Farragut game my junior year was the most exhilarating moment of my high school career. We were down by multiple touchdowns. I specifically remember looking at my defensive linemen, who were in tears, and saying, “We are coming back and winning this game”. We ended up turning the game around and winning by three in overtime. We celebrated for what felt like an eternity. That memory will resonate with me for the rest of my life. [Kole Matherly]
As cliche as it sounds, it is impossible to choose one moment from my BBN career as a favorite. From struggling to film because we can’t stop laughing, to enduring Katelyn’s terrible puns, to devouring whole bags of candy every Friday, to staying in Room 333 with Katie until dark to finish the WOW video, BBN has definitely been a highlight of my high school career. [Tru Powell]
My favorite “BBN memory” hands down has to be when Tru and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to come up with 100 ways to use a highlighter. The list was completed in BBN over a few days in the class, with the help of our classmates. Highlights include: squirrel skis, an ant seesaw, and a hair accessory. I have loved every moment in BBN, and I’ll miss all of the friends I have made throughout the years. [Katie Cottrell]
After one of the first freezes of last semester, my Wildlife class met outside to rappel. Since my group had already rapelled, we walked around the track and then smashed the ice in the long jump pit. It was SO FUN! [Alisa Harvey]
It would be impossible to choose one outstanding moment from the last four years at Bearden. In whole, all my time spent as a Bearden soccer player stands as my favorite memory at this school. Over the course of the past years, I have shed tears of laughter and sadness. I will always be thankful for being able to be a part of such an amazing program, and will continue to treasure the hours I spent with my best friends. [Mallory Denning]
I don’t think it’s possible for me to pick my favorite memory. Katie, Tru and I have had so many laughs along with multiple sassy remarks. Walking into the BBN room has always felt like a safe haven to me. Yes, it can get a little chaotic in there at times, but ending each day in there is something I would never want to take back. So I would have to say that my favorite memory from BBN would be just being there and taking it all in for the past three years. [Charlotte Bunting]
Well, it was my idea to have an all-senior staff pick, which I guess wasn’t too brilliant on my part, considering I should’ve known that it would be too hard for me to pick one memory from my time as a member of The Bark staff. This is where I’ve spent so much of my time and my focus the past three years, where I’ve found my passion, where I’ve met some of the most talented, funny, creative, kind, and all-around amazing people I’ve ever met. It’d be too hard to pick one memory from The Bark, because The Bark is, collectively, my favorite memory of high school. So thanks to everyone who’s ever been a part of this incredible staff – or BBN’s, for that matter – or who has ever helped out or done an interview or given us a story idea or just read our website or magazine, because you’re all amazing human beings, and it’s you who have made this such an incredible experience. [Jack H. Evans]