Juniors Sobota, Patel will prove key to Bearden community service next year
President-elect Jacob Sobota (right) and vice-president elect Deneil Patel (left) plan for next year’s Key Club events.
February 24, 2016
After years of friendship that began with running track and running on the soccer fields, junior duo Jacob Sobota and Deneil Patel will soon be running Bearden’s service organization Key Club, assuming the titles of president and vice president, respectively.
The boys’ bond dates back to middle school, where they competed in the same events for track and played on the same soccer teams, but since sophomore years, both of them have been involved in several service activities for Key Club.
Sobota has served over 150 hours and Patel over 180 through the organization. The two also served as officers this past year. As president and vice president, they plan to continue to accumulate more community service experience as well as to inspire growth for Key Club members.
“Our plan is to usher in a new era for Key Club,” Patel said. “From obtaining more members to soliciting a vast increase of member involvement and having the members do more for the community, we are going to do it all.”
As the corresponding secretary, Sobota was responsible for organizing a monthly report for Bearden’s chapter as well as running the Twitter page. Patel served as the hours secretary and was responsible for keeping track of recording and validating the hours for all of the club’s members.
The pair has also run track for Bearden since freshman year, and they will also be vital to the leadership for this year’s track team where Sobota will compete in the decathlon and Patel will compete in the 400-meter and high jump events.
“This year, our coach is looking to the both of us to take the responsibility as leaders on the team,” Patel said. “With the massive size of our team this year, it is going to be a big responsibility.”
Sobota said that it would be interesting to see how they balance the time between the club and track but an enjoyable experience.
“I was excited when I found out we were going to hold the top two leadership positions for Bearden’s Key Club,” Sobota said. “As friends, I think we will run the club smoothly and have a good time doing it.”