Bearden SGA members campaigning for statewide leadership roles
Sophomores Eva Karnowski and Hayden Harb are working hard on Bearden’s campaign to host the 2018 TASC Convention.
February 20, 2017
Bearden’s SGA is taking on a huge project, and sophomores Eva Karnowski and Hayden Harb are leading the charge. The two friends are running to host TASC Convention in March of 2018.
TASC, or Tennessee Association of Student Councils, is an organization of middle and high school student councils that come together at different events to share ideas and develop their leadership skills. There is an annual convention that takes place at a different school each year.
Schools from around the state can delegate two students from their council to run for the position of Secretary Co-Host. These two students share the most responsibility in planning the next year’s convention. They meet regularly with other board members from around the state to discuss what they have already planned as well as other important items on TASC’s agenda, such as leadership camps, workshops, and service projects.
Karnowski and Harb have been wanting to take on this responsibility for some time now.
“I’ve been wanting to run for Secretary Co-host ever since I’ve been involved with TASC,” Karnowski said.
She and Harb have been involved with the organization for a little over four years now.
“It’s become a second home,” Harb said.
Both of them feel as if they will take on the responsibility well because of their friendship.
“We’ve been friends for a really long time,” Harb said. “This is something we both share a passion for so it just kind of fit naturally.”
They say their personalities balance each other, making it easier to get work done.
Along with the huge responsibility that comes with planning the convention, the two have also spent endless hours working on their campaign. They’ve been working closely with advisor Ms. Alyssa Ison and their campaign committee to strategize the best way to win the election.
Junior class president Zachary Jones, head of the campaign committee, says that the hardest part has been all the work that has gone into it.
“My job is to figure out the logistics of the campaign while Hayden and Eva figure out things like their speeches and whatnot,” Jones said.
Jones says that the thing that has given them the most difficulty is budgeting, considering they are trying to be the most cost effective as possible.
“Really, the goal of the campaign is just to convince everyone at TASC that we can host a fun, exciting convention that they’ll want to attend,” Jones said.
SGA leaves for TASC convention March 3 and will campaign for Karnowski and Harb that weekend. The whole council is hoping to work together to pull off the campaign and bring convention back to Bearden.