Bearden welcomes (kind of) new administrator to team
Mrs. Amanda Edsell works in her office as the newest Bearden assistant principal. She can be found in the East Mall office.
August 17, 2017
Bearden has welcomed many new faces to its faculty this year, but a familiar face has also taken up the challenge of a new position.
Mrs. Rachel Harmon, the former Assistant Principal for the Junior class, accepted a new position over the summer as eighth grade principal at West Valley Middle School. In her place, Mrs. Amanda Edsell has stepped up to fill that role.
Mrs. Edsell has been at Bearden for four years and prior to her acceptance of her new position she was an English teacher, assistant basketball coach, and, most recently, Bearden’s Response to Intervention (RTI) coordinator and instructor.
Mrs. Edsell finished her Ed.S. (Educational Specialist) degree and became certified to become an administrator at the end of last school year.
“When (principal) Dr. (John) Bartlett approached me about becoming an assistant principal at Bearden, I was humbled,” Mrs. Edsell said.
In the RTI coordinator position, Mrs. Edsell was responsible for coordinating the entirety of Bearden’s math and reading intervention courses. This new leadership position presents her with new challenges, but Mrs. Edsell is ready to take them in stride.
“I think the most challenging aspect will be that we have 2200 students and 150 teachers and just a lot going on, so trying to balance all that and making sure everything runs smoothly and that everyone is safe and successful is important,” Mrs. Edsell said.
Not only is Mrs. Edsell ready to tackle the challenges that come her way, but she has a lot of love for Bearden and students.
“I am passionate about creating a safe and positive environment that allows teachers and students to journey toward their deep passion also,” Mrs. Edsell said. “I look forward to solving the problems that allow teachers to teach and students to learn, to allow both teachers and students to be successful.
“I love serving the faculty and students of Bearden High.”
When Mrs. Edsell moved up to assistant principal, chemistry teacher Mrs. Cara Vaughn became Bearden’s new RTI coordinator this year.