Annual staff, theatre classes announce Class of 2018 superlatives
Josh Sobota and Leah Crowley pose for a picture after winning Best All-Around for the Class of 2018.
September 28, 2017
Senior superlatives are something that everyone looks forward to, especially the nominees.
The anticipation came to an end Tuesday night at Annual Skits, an event where theatre students get to act out skits to help introduce each superlative category. After each skit, the students that the senior class voted for to win were announced by annual staff.
Here are the senior superlative winners of the Class of 2018:
Most Intellectual: Tyler Chan and Courtney Lam
Most Likely to Succeed: James McIntyre and Natalie Parks
Best Looking: Dawson Houser and Olivia Bunting
Most School Service: Zachary Jones and Shireen Saah
Most Talented: Thomas Anderson and Christina Ledbetter
Most Creative: Jake Moore and Kira Suerth
Friendliest: Nathaniel Blalock/Marquavis Dottery (tie) and Traeclyn Albright
Best Dressed: Colten Tyler and Maddie Little
Most School Spirit: Ross McKenry and Ally Robinson
Wittiest: Ryan Flores and Annie Wehinger
Most Athletic: Nathan Adkins and Trinity Lee
Best All Around: Josh Sobota and Leah Crowley
The Class of 2018’s Best All Around students were amazed that their fellow classmates would vote for them to receive this award. In order to be voted Best All Around the students had to have many outstanding qualities and be well-rounded.
“I’m really flattered because this means that I’m doing well in all aspects of life, and as long as I can keep doing this then I’m looking forward to what the future holds for me,” Sobota said.
Added Crowley: “It’s really exciting, and I was surprised when I won it. It’s a big honor because it kind of combines all the superlatives.”
Along with announcing the superlatives, annual staff also recognized the “Who’s Who” in the Class of 2018. Bearden faculty vote on the “Who’s Who” students, based on excellence in academics, extracurricular activities, and school spirit.
Here are the Who’s Who students of the Class of 2018:
Nesma Abdelnabi
Kinsey Bartlett
Nathaniel Blalock
Megan Burns
Tyler Chan
Sydney Craig
Julia Craig
Marquavis Dottery
Max Grayson
Dawson Houser
Rebecca Jernigan
Addison Jones
Zach Jones
Courtney Lam
Christina Ledbetter
Trinity Lee
James McIntyre
Natalie Parks
Josh Sobota
James Strickland