Family Studies class learning to analyze data by designing, conducting data survey

Emma Mink, Staff Writer

Ms. Angelia Ford’s Family Studies class has created a dating survey about relationships based on grade level.

The survey is on students’ class Canvas pages.

“[The dating survey] explores age-specific questions about what Bearden students feel dating should be like and ‘significant other’ relationships should look like in high school”, Ms. Ford said.

Added junior Ivy Clark: “We just want to be able to find information and be able to present information so we can practice doing that and having the skills of talking and statistics.”

Ms. Ford is hoping for students to be able to get lifelong skills from this survey that they can take with them through high school such as teamwork, data analysis, and presenting data in professional ways.

“We just kind of thought of the most basic questions like are you in a relationship and other things like that, and we thought about how relationships usually go for people,” Clark said.

Added Ms. Ford: “The state standards actually dictate that we were to study about relationships. Each age group in high school is so different because so much growth occurs at this level of development.”

Clark also said they had to think of different questions for different grades.

“Freshman, it might ask more about time periods and stuff when you start dating and if you actually have started dating yet, whereas juniors we asked more questions about their dating habits now and how they are going to think about the future,” Clark said.

Ms. Ford hopes that this survey teaches not only her students, but also the student body “affective learning that goes past tests and daily school work” about dating and what kind of partner you want in the future.

Ms. Ford along with her class hope to share this survey with not only students but with teachers, coaches, and parents as well.

The class will make infographics about the information they learn from the survey and Ms. Ford plans on having her students publish the data they collect. They plan to publish the results in the ‘class of’ page in the next two weeks so that the student body can also learn about they survey.