Bearden students can once again congregate and caffeinate in the library at The Dawg House Café.
The Dawg House Café has now opened for its fourth year, offering students a variety of coffee, hot chocolate, and teas. Every cup is two dollars, with extra flavoring costing 25 cents and 50 cents for a latte.
Other toppings include marshmallows, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream.
The café is located on the lower level of the library and is open from 7:50 until 8:20 every school morning.
Every year, the café is run by student baristas who applied for the position via Google Form earlier in the year.
“I saw on Twitter [Coach] Jack Tate post something, and I was like, ‘I want to try this,’” Dawg House barista and Bearden sophomore Octavia Jackson said.
Giving students the opportunity to work at the café allows them to obtain real world, hands-on experience that not every high school student can get.
“You get the work experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn how the workforce works,” Jackson said.
The Dawg House Café not only provides Bearden students with work experience but also adds another communal area for students to gather with friends while sharing a cup of coffee.