SCOIR helps Bearden students stay organized during college application process
SCOIR helps Bearden students with the college application process, but it also has several other useful features.
All Bearden students have an account with SCOIR through their school email, but many may be wondering how it works and what benefits it provides.
SCOIR is the platform that is used to send certain documents to colleges, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and senior brag sheets. It can also help students create a résumé, which can be helpful in the college application process.
Not only does it provide insight about colleges, but has career advice as well. It is the website that provides YouScience, the career aptitude test that is taken by a majority of Bearden students.
There are three main sections to SCOIR’s platform: My Colleges, Discover, and My Profile.
My Colleges allows students to create a list of potential colleges that they might want to attend. It is also the main section that is used for sending documents.
In this area, students can begin their personalized application process. Students may add as many schools as they wish to their list, then apply to those that they are particularly interested in. If a student is not sure of a college, they can follow it to gradually learn more.
“It’s a way students can kind of consolidate all their college materials that they need to send in one place,” said Ms. Susan Bolinger, Director of College Counseling.
My Profile is the section that carries all of the student’s personal academic information, which is needed to apply to colleges. It has an academic overview, college preferences, a personal biography, activities and achievements, and a career profile. Students input their information manually, so they have complete control over it.
On the Discover page, SCOIR allows students to to manually search for colleges. This includes a preference filter, which gets rid of colleges that are not a good fit for a student. Additionally, it recommends schools that may be an exciting option for an individual.
Freshman, sophomores, and juniors are also strongly encouraged to get familiar with SCOIR early on.
“You can start accessing it now, and I think it would be really great to start early,” Ms. Bolinger said. “That way, when you get to your senior year, it won’t be new.”
If students need additional support with SCOIR, they should see Ms. Bolinger in the College and Career Center near The Pit.