Bearden improv team set to host two shows on April Fools Day
Photo courtesy of “It’s in the Jeans”
Bearden’s improv team performs in December of 2021. “It’s in the Jeans” will host shows at 6:30 and 8 in the chorus room on Friday night.
Bearden’s improv team “It’s in the Jeans” will have two April Fools-themed shows on Friday night in the chorus room starting at 6:30 and 8.
The theme is “Totally not an April Fools Improv Show.” Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.
Attendees should anticipate a night full of laughter and audience interaction.
The club has been hard at work for their third improv show of the year, practicing upwards of two days a week after school.
Seniors and co-presidents Elyse Lundberg and Jacob Leon are confident that this show will be even better than the previous two.
“We are improving as time goes on throughout the year,” Lundberg said. “I think this one and our next one will definitely be our best, but they’ve all been pretty good.”
At the shows, the cast will play games with the audience, one of them being “Whose Line.” At the beginning of the show, the cast will ask the audience to write a random phrase on a piece of paper. The cast will stuff these papers into their pockets and pull them out at random times in the scene. Their challenge is to incorporate that phrase into the scene any way they can.
The unknown of every scene may sound intimidating, but Leon encourages everyone to get involved.
“A lot of people shy away from improv saying that they wouldn’t be able to come up with anything funny, but that’s so not true,” Leon said. “I think more people should realize that it’s very fun and accessible at any level of skill.”
It takes a special level of chemistry for students to perform an effective and fun improv show. Actors must have each other’s back at all times throughout the scenes.
Improv coach Mr. Rollin Prince is impressed with the accountability between the cast this year.
“There’s a strong presence of trust and accountability this year, and that is so vital for an improv group,” Mr. Prince said. “When you are making up a show and scenes as you go along, trusting the performers next to you to have your back is what really takes performances to the next level.”
For freshmen, sophomores, and juniors interested in auditioning for improv in the upcoming school year, contact sponsors Ms. Katie Alley and Mrs. Lauren Andrejko.
“People should come out to see this show because this is a group that really loves each other like a family and has an amazing knack and talent for making people laugh in all sorts of ways,” Prince said. “They are killing their shows, and they have a great time doing it.
“I love seeing and hearing audiences enjoy what I’ve seen them work really hard at all year.”