Painted classroom trend continues to brighten Bearden
SGA students painted Mrs. Rebecca Nutter’s room a trendy orange and white chevron.
Color and creativity are popping up all over the school as students continue to paint more Bearden teachers’ classroom walls.
The number of Bearden classrooms painted has now hit double digits ever since Mrs. Connie Francis started it with her Shakespeare class several years ago. (Her room now looks like A Midsummer Night’s Dream.)
Members of SGA spend two weeks at the end of the summer helping to get the school ready for the upcoming year. They assist by painting the handrails, distributing books to teachers, and – the new popular option – painting classrooms.
“The first classroom we ever painted was just Mrs. (Rachel) Harmon’s room as an SGA project,” junior Piper Givens said. “We wanted the SGA and Leadership room to be painted school colors, but now we’ve opened up the option to paint other teachers’ classrooms.”
This year, Mr. Cody Martin, Mrs. Autumn Suranofsky, Mrs. Rebecca Nutter, and Ms. Darlene Sergent took up their offer and had their rooms painted.
“I think it adds a little something,” Mr. Martin said. “I think students get tired of looking at just the blank walls, so anything that makes your classroom a little different makes it a little more enjoyable to be in.”
It was hard work for the students who painted.
“We spent everyday of the two weeks painting,” Givens said. “We had to get lots of students in there to roll the paint, then we had to get a smaller group of students to do the trim work.”
Orange and white chevron (pictured), teal, and maroon are a few of the colors that were chosen to be displayed on the walls.
“You come in and see the walls and it just makes you happy,” senior Kayla Johnson said.
This trend among the teachers will most likely continue creating an even more welcoming environment for years to come.
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