Staff picks: Favorite Halloween costumes
Entertainment editor Hannah McElroy and her big bro were ready for trick-or-treating or a Nintendo convention, not sure which.
One of the things that makes Halloween great is that it’s the one time of the year when you can dress up in a totally outrageous costume without looking like a big weirdo. We may be a little old to hit the streets of suburbia all dressed-up (“Hey you not-really-kids, get off my lawn!”), but we can still reminisce about the good old days while we do grown-up things, like handing out candy.
My favorite Halloween costume without a doubt would have to be from when I was 4 years old and dressed as Pikachu. My brother and I wore coordinating costumes that year (he was Ash) and there’s nothing better than making your older brother be seen in public with you while wearing coordinating costumes. I mean just look at the picture… [Hannah McElroy]
One of my favorite costumes as a child was when I was a kitty-child. I had a cat suit on with a cat on the belly that meowed. I’m sure it was pretty cute because everyone “awwwed” at me. To be honest, I love dressing up – just not so much on Halloween. Any other day, ask me and I will have an epic costume. [Taylor A. Johnson]
When it comes to baby’s first Halloween, most babies are pumpkins. I did not fall into the patch of little baby pumpkins, though. I was a yellow peanut M&M. Needless to say I was so cute people wanted to just eat me up. [Zoey Line]
Contrary to how I was voted “most creative” by the senior class, my costumes have been incredibly generic. I mean, I’ve been the typical pirate and a clown, but all of these are awful. If I were to go trick-or-treating this year, I would want to do something legitimate. If I were to go this year, I would be a Tetrino (the shapes of Tetris). The issue with this is the fact that I don’t have enough friends to pull this off. [Ed Dudrick]
I wasn’t really creative as a kid; I’ve been a witch for most of my years, with a few vampires and princesses mixed in as well. So my best costume is actually the one I came up with this year – Audrey Hepburn. The best part is that I already have all the elements, except for some long black gloves I had to pick up at Party City. Those and a simple black dress, sock bun, a few pearl necklaces, and cat-eyeliner are all I need to be the perfect ‘60s actress. [Allie Gruszkiewicz]
My best costume was an extremely elaborate robot costume. It was pretty cool and it took my dad like three months to make. It was two cardboard boxes with arm and leg holes and was spray painted silver. It had a bunch of buttons and gadgets and other nifty stuff, but it did have one negative thing: It was extremely uncomfortable. I got six houses down and I started crying and wanted to go home. I bet my Dad wanted to strap me to a rocket and put me into orbit. [Graham Benefiel]
Over the years, my Halloween costumes have been quite boring. I was the typical pumpkin, princess, and just about every other boring Halloween costume. However, this year I will be the black swan from the movie Black Swan. I spent about an hour one night creating the costume, which I made myself, and creating the makeup look which is very close to what Natalie Portman looked like in the movie. I feel like this is just the start of a series of more extreme and detailed Halloween costumes to come. This year will be amazing, and I am already planning my costume for next year. [Katie Matthews]
My favorite is probably dressing up as a crazy cat lady. I wore pajamas, glasses, baby powder in my hair, and slippers. The best part was pinning stuffed cats to the costume. I might have offended some of the actual crazy cat ladies in the neighborhood. [Helen Law]
I don’t really know what my favorite costume was; however, the most memorable costume that I’ve ever worn for Halloween was my police officer costume that I wore when I was around seven or eight . I still remember buying it from Target and dressing up in it whenever I got the chance. [Litza Craig]
The last time I went trick-or-treating, I was Waldo from the Where’s Waldo? series of picture-finding books. Aside from my friend in a cow costume pretending to graze in people’s front lawns, the high point of the night came when a guy opened his door, saw me, ran down the hallway to his wife, and yelled “I FOUND HIM!” [Jack H. Evans]